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Sketching and Idea generation

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I had an idea for a problem that was showing up on the production line (the idea came about after seeing the Device Rotating Module).  Normally I would make a simple cad design in Onshape (I don't have Solidworks at work and I use the makers edition at home) but I decided to just start with a piece of paper and a pencil.  I got further inspiration viewing YouTube videos on 3D printing and just starting drawing.  I added dimensions where I needed to and notes as well to create a version 1 and it felt relaxing because I wasn't fighting software.  (I of course made the paper sketch into a PDF so I couldn't lose it).  It also helped that it was quiet and I could focus but to me sketching seems easier on paper and then turning to CAD once ready.

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I love this, and I have found the same thing to be true. We often hear the advice "fail fast" - I think paper sketching is a great way to do this because you start finding problems (and solutions) so quickly without, as you put it, fighting software. 

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I love sketching stuff. Originally learning on a drafting board, I find it makes me think of the whole part in my mind without 3d modeling exposing the issues for me. A few seconds with a pencil and features are scaled relationally without the need for actual dimension, and not fight the software to create something you are still figuring out.

I have not tried the tablet approach to sketch and save easily. Draw directly onto a screen shot. Does this method work for others out there?

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